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Home » Want to Live Your B-E-S-T Life?

Want to Live Your B-E-S-T Life?

 When you want to live your best life, knowing where to start can be really overwhelming.  

Think of your BEST life as 4 buckets.

B-E-S-T Life = 4 Buckets that are Full and Balanced.

best life bucketbest life bucketbest life bucketbest life bucket

When one of your buckets is spilling out or almost empty, things can feel pretty bad.


B-iology is the 1st bucket: If your basic needs aren’t being met, it’s almost impossible to feel good.
Sleep, diet, health… you get the picture.


E-nvironment: Who and what’s around you creates your reality and your 2nd bucket.
This can be your home, your community, workplace or even your group of friends.


bucketS-kills: Your third bucket holds your skills — coping skills. We all need ways to handle the difficult stuff
that life brings. If you don’t have healthy ways to manage, the unhealthy ones can get the best of you.



T-ies that connect us is your fourth and final bucket. Humans are hardwired for connection.
Relationships create true meaning. If you’re struggling in one right now, it’s understandably hard.  When connections to those we love are in trouble, it can create some of our greatest pain.  Humans NEED ties to connect us to a few important others.


So, what’s really important here is that if one of your buckets is out of whack, the other three can’t make up for it.

You need them all

And while they can’t always be perfectly balanced… if one is empty or spilling all over the place for a while, life can feel pretty miserable!

Your BEST life then, begins by knowing what kind of shape each of your buckets are in. It’s knowing how to fill your buckets, balance your buckets and identify which bucket needs your attention when life gets difficult.

And that’s not always easy, especially if you don’t know how or aren’t sure where to start.

What I want you to know, is that Change IS Possible. There are ways, proven ways to figure out what kind of shape your “buckets” are in and how to balance them if they need it.

You can absolutely learn how to live your BEST life!

For a FUN bonus: click here to watch an entertaining video  And if you’d like more info on Cindy’s therapy practice, just click here.


Concept and acronym for B-E-S-T created by Cindy Badamo, MSW, LCSW all rights reserved.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Baker says:


  2. Cindy says:

    Baker, thanks so much!